I have a Beelink SER4 4800 that went black during use.
I made contact with support. They had me check a few things then offered to replace my machine.
They gave me an address and phone number on west coast USA. The man who answered phone said it is his private number and he does not know why people call him about Beelink.
I asked Beelink to confirm information and the gave me the same contact information:
181 S E St, San Bernardino, CA 92401
Contact person:flickxu+HK HK100
Beelink said I have to pay for shipping and did not tell me how they will know it is my unit.
Also, I want to remove my hard drive so it cannot be plugged into another machine and read.
Is this legit??
Please share your Warranty experience.
How can I purchase the GTR Pro directly from Beelink to ship to Riyadh Saudi Arabia?
Do you have an Authorised Dealer in Riyadh from whom I can purchase Beelink products?
I was wondering how much would the GT-R Pro 32GB +512GB +1TB cost?
Buon giorno: Il mio Beelink MINI MX III-II si spegne continuamente e il ripristino non ha nessun effetto, potete mandarmi un link dove scaricare un nuovo sofware? Grazie
how i can update my beelink gt1 a912 with the firmware realesed on 03-07-2017, because when i try update he stay stuck on reboot, if you can how i can solve my problem.