Could you please send us a picture of SN code at the bottom of machine ?
Do you run any tasks after waking the machine to sleep? Like playing a game? Using Photoshop?
Under normal circumstances, when the machine is not running a major task, the sound of the fan rotation is relatively small.
I'm not running anything. It's just plain Windows with Chrome, Spotify and some other minor software. When not in sleep I don't hear fans, but when it goes to fans are really loud
Please try this software.
You can also try Software : SpeedFan to optimize the fan .
you can email us with SN pic and BIOS version to us .
So we would be able to know whether it is latest BIOS and send you files accordingly.
Here`s how to check your BIOS version:!yuISGa4I!s1bQQajKwnsEdzjqq4nopQ