Добрый день. У меня вопрос по поводу настроек биоса.
1. Можно ли выбрать другой язык кроме английского?
2. Можно ли в биосе отключить диски как на фото?
3. Где найти документацию по BIOS?
hello, for the bios language, it could only be English, and for the ssd, it seems like you could enabled or disenabled it like the picture, and sorry for that, we do not have a tutorial document for bios , if you have any questions, just let us know, have a nice day!
Photo taken from an Acer laptop.
I didn’t find such a feature in Beelink.
Therefore, it is not possible to disable the SSD as in Acer.
Please tell me how to do this in Beelink.
No, I don't see it.
Photo taken on the "Advanced" tab.
In the BOOT tab I can disable the SSD. This doesn't solve the problem.
The system continues to access the SSD, which could harm me.
How to disable "1" or "2" SSD using BIOS. Without getting into the insides of Beelink