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GT1 Dead - No Longer Detected









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-01-10 06:16:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I have a GT1 with an SD Card running CoreElec/KODI and for almost exactly 5yrs (1 month to go) it finally pooped out. It powers on, but the TV doesn't detect a signal or even that it's powered on. It happened yesterday, and after unplugging/plugging it back in a couple of times it worked but today it's not working at all.

I have a second GT1 for the living room so was able to test things a bit...

- The other GT1 worked immediately on my TV
- The SD card from the other GT1 in mine, didn't work at all
- I formatted the SD card and reinstalled the software and not working
- I removed the SD card to let it boot to Android but still not working

Again, TV doesn't turn on automatically when detects the power on the GT1, and if I turn the TV on manually and even switch HDMI modes, my GT1 still shows no-signal on the TV. The other GT1 from the living room however, works fine.

Popped the case open and got a magnifying glass out and I'm not seeing any black marks, the capacitor isn't showing signs of being blown either. Solder joints on the HDMI look fine as well.

Any suggestions? or, just that it had a good life of 5yrs daily use and time to move on.

Also a shame no current Beelinks like the GT1. All seem to be mini-PC's now which for people like me, is a bit pricey and overkill for watching movies off a NAS.

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