Edited by Steven258 at 2023-11-16 14:33
Hello friends,
today I received the Beelink GTR7_PRO 7940HS. The device make a good and high-quality impression.
I have one more or less serious concern:
Beginning with the first boot the fan is constant running on high performant level and therefore shows very noisy behaviour. There is no chance to change the settings in the BIOS. Within the Bios „Advanced Page“ there is no „HardwareMonitor“. In the bios there is a FAN CONTROL section under „SMU CommonOptions“. I can not change those temperature values. As far as I understood from other posts here that´s how it´s intended.
I fully understand that the fan will make some noise if the CPU gets warm and needs tobe cooled.
But the problem is: the CPU load is low (ca. 10%), temperatures are around 30to 35°C - nevertheless the fan shows constant (noisy) fan behaviour after booting and later (fan does not adjust speed ) .
This is not needed - the fan should slowly start to increase it's speed.
I enclose picturesfrom Bios. Bios Version2.22.1287
Ist his something that is a known error also from other people here from the BEELINKGTR7_PRO 7940HS ?
Can it be fixed via a BIOS patch update ?
Thanks in advance for supporting and sharing your experiences
By mistake I opened a post within a parallel section in this Forum