Welcome to VM Forum, the virtual machine exchange forum dedicated to bringing together enthusiasts from around the world to share ideas, collaborate, and exchange virtual machines.
We want to create a positive and productive environment for all members, so we've put together some rules and guidelines to help ensure a happy and respectful community. By joining VM Forum you agree to the following rules:
Respect each other: Please be respectful of other members and their opinions. Personal attacks or insults will not be tolerated.
1. No spamming: Please do not post spam or irrelevant content. This includes advertisements or promotions for unrelated products or services.
2. No piracy or copyright infringement: Please do not share or distribute any virtual machines or other materials that violate copyright laws or intellectual property rights.
3. Keep it legal: Please do not post any illegal content, including virtual machines that violate licensing agreements or contain malicious code.
4. Keep it clean: Please keep all discussions and content appropriate for all ages. No vulgar or inappropriate language or content will be tolerated.
5. Be helpful: Please try to contribute to the community by offering help or advice to other members when possible.
6. Keep it organized: Please make sure your posts are clear and organized. Use appropriate titles and categories to help other members find the information they need.
7. No self-promotion: Please do not use VM Forum to promote your own products or services, unless they are directly related to virtual machines.
8. No personal information: Please do not post any personal information, including full names, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses.
9. No trolling: Please do not engage in trolling or disruptive behavior. This includes posting inflammatory content or deliberately trying to start arguments.
10. No plagiarism: Please do not copy content from other sources without proper attribution or permission.
11. Report any issues: If you encounter any issues or problems with the forum or other members, please report them to the moderators immediately.
Failure to follow these rules may result in a warning, suspension, or ban from the forum, depending on the severity of the violation.
We hope that you find VM Forum to be a welcoming and informative community, and we look forward to seeing the amazing virtual machines that you'll create and share!