I've had my GTR5 for 2 months.
I've already had an issue where everything performed at turtle speed.
I called support and they offered me a replacement, but I had already loaded my programs on it. They were going to check their resources and get back to me.
In the meantime, I copied all of the data-type files on an external drive which definitely helped.
Now it is 2 weeks later (past warranty date) and it again is running super slow in some actions. For example, I moved 14 files from downloads to a folder on the desktop). It moved quickly but now is stuck on 99% for over 5 minutes, so everything is running slowly again. It is a 476 GB drive (wish I had bought a 2 TB) with 190 GB used. I clicked Task Mnager and it says Google Drive is 22%, very high. Then 37% CPU and 76% Memory. I don't really know what all that means, but this is really frustrating. Any others having this problem? How did you fix it? Thanks