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发表于 2022-02-04 00:47:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Crypto.comsupport number is a cryptocurrency exchange established in 2011 andheadquartered in California. The Crypto.com exchange hosts trading for avariety of crypto assets, including pairings with multiple different fiatcurrencies. Crypto.com Bitcoin trading occurs under the ticker XBT. Crypto.comoffers a number of features, including margin trading for certain assets, with5x as the leverage limit. Crypto.com also offers staking along withover-the-counter trading. OTC trading eligibility is based on certainparameters.
Among the Crypto.com exchange crypto offerings is a futurestrading platform, Crypto.com Futures, which allows maximum leverage of 50x —although customers located in certain regions, such as Crypto.com U.S.customers and those in Japan, cannot use the platform.
Crypto.com support number Australia managing director JonathonMiller told Cointelegraph that the crypto marketplace supports projects with aclear demand for trading, including SHIB.
At the time of publishing, SHIB is the 12th-largest cryptocurrencywith a market capitalization of $25.81 billion. SHIB has surged over 20% in thelast 24 hours on the listing news.
Miller added, “I wouldn’t describe Crypto.com as being the placewhere every single coin is listed, that’s not been what we have been knownfor.”
Crypto.com is one of the least conservative exchanges with 93assets on the exchange in total. Meanwhile, Crypto.com supports 51 assets, andRobinhood only supports seven.
Other exchanges have been hesitant to list the Dogecoin-inspiredaltcoin over regulatory concerns, despite increasing pressure from their users.On Friday, SHIB surpassed 1 million holders despite trading 50% below itsall-time high.
On Nov. 10, Crypto.com Login chief operating officer ChristineBrown said that the platform’s “strategy is different than a lot of the otherplayers out there who are racing to list as many assets as possible right now.”The Change.org petition requesting that Robinhood list the Shiba Inu coin hasamassed over half a million signatures.
Miller added, “There are certain services that we have that don’treally fit the regulatory mold. So there’s this gray area that the wholeindustry exists in, and that’s not specific to us.

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