Done waiting for Beelink to address long standing issues AND more importantly to get some new firmware issued for thje older boxes ( such as the B922x )
Beelink seems to have forgotten that those of us who purchased in the past are the ones who helped build up the company and are the ones most likely to start giving NEGATIVE reviews / publicity because we have been mostly ignored regarding fixes and releases of newer firmware to address issues.
On that note, sending my B922 to the bedroom tv and have switched to the "Shield Pro" ... OMG what a difference...
PIP works OK. ALL remotes work OK. NO bluetooth audio delays. NO interference between wifi, bluetooth, and dongle remotes.
My external SSD now performs at full speed, NOT half speed .
NO buffering issues or cutting out from IPTV services. AND most importantly VERY fast and REGULAR updates no matter if the shield is even 6 or 7 yrs old.
Voice control has a couple issues but works 95% ++ of the time.
The only big issue with the shield is right click of mouse is NOT equal to the back button. Should be 'fixable' once i get around to rooting it.
I will still be on here once in awhile to help others out, BUT bye bye to buying anything more from these guys.