New user here. My mini will be running 24x7 (sometimes unattended) and I need to set the PC to power on after a power failure. I have examined every BIOS setting and cannot find this feature. Please help. Thank you.
Users have to email to support to get he correct EC as flashing the wrong ec will cause the device to not POST any more.
Please share the screenshot of the serial number to the support email and they while the right ec link along with the video tutorial on how to flash.
Beelink GTR7 (7840HS) - Manjaro Linux
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Hi there,sorry for not replying in time
But I can not understand“ I need to set the PC to power on after a power failure”
Did you want to set auto power on?
Yes. The PC is unattended. If the power fails, I want it to turn itself back on. There should be a BIOS setting for that, but I cannot find it. thank you.
Thank you. I have never updated a BIOS, so the tutorial would be most helpful. The download link and tutorial link are the same. Please post the tutorial link. Thank you.
Hello. I extracted the CB6e_V2.03(auto.7z file and see the BIOS images, however there is no manual (procedure). I stepped through all the BIOS options during boot-up, but see no option to upgrade the BIOS. Please send a link to the procedure to upgrade the BIOS. Just to be clear, I am not asking about manual vs. auto version of the BIOS, I am asking for the PROCEDURE to upgrade the BIOS. Thank you.
Instead of making two different versions of the BIOS why not add an option in BIOS to control what happens when power is restored? There could be 3 options: On/Off/Last