发表于 2021-04-07 16:14:53
Thank you @jfl
so i tested a Manjaro yesterday ***
I flashed it on USB and I managed to start only if I only had this key to connect to USB and nothing else (big problems to come ...)
In short I was able to start, then I had a loss of hdmi signal but the startup was continued and I was able to finalize the installation via an SSH connection.
I solved the display problem by adding a line in / etc / environment and suddenly the display returns I plug my keyboard / mouse (logitech dinovo mini) into USB, it works, I connect, launch firefox, and starts typing text and suddenly nothing, "freeze"
In short it is not yet very developed the boot on USB or there is a problem with the power supply of USB ...
my gt-king pro has the s / n starting with SA9H suddenly the RAM is in DDR4 and not in LPDDR like on other gt-king pro maybe that the problem comes from there too .. maybe one needs a Special dtb for the gt-king pro SA9H, I remember having to use the dtb marked rev.a when installing Coreelec on SD card otherwise I cannot start at all ...
So much for the little feedback, I really hope to be able to have a working debian or armbian on this box but for the moment it is not yet well suited .. Really shame |