One quick question - have you guys forgotten about the 922H version? The last update happened more than 6 months ago...
And regarding there any place where we can see the several versions in existence and the differences between them? I feel that, by getting the 922H version, I was very unfortunate... :(
Just installed it today and I finally have a Samba server out-of-the-box!
Incidentally, this Samba server is faster than the one I was using through a paid third-party app.
Once and again thank you very much, and please continue your great work!
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]It's nice, but it wouldn't have to run in the background, even if it's a system application, it should be possible to turn off who doesn't use it too much ... Also applies to SA9HH + add top system bar hiding for YouTube, Aptoide and more application ...
Thank you.