My gt1a is connected through ethernet cable to my home network.
I have a Synology NAS working as a server for 2 android boxes, and my PC.
I have always used Kodi to access the files on my NAS with NFS. A couple days ago, it stopped working.
My other (cheap) android box still has access, and so does my PC. So the problem seems to be in the Beelink.
Any help/ suggestions on how to fix it?
As you can set access by IP address or allow a whole subnet for example. A way of checking is to change your Beelink box ip address to what a working box uses(after taking that box off the network while you test) Not sure if its relevant or not but I'm using NFS shares with android Kodi 18.6 on a Beelink gt Pro without issues
This is a very general question and can have many reason on why NFS stopped working.
Did you update firmware or application after which it stopped working ?
Have you checked if the NFS option is still enabled on kodi setting?
A quick google search showed me that some other user also had similar issue. Synology NFS Not working on Android KODI.
Please follow the thread there as it is something to do with Kodi on Android specifically, to do a quick troubleshooting you can boot in CoreElec using an SD card and see if NFS works on there. If it is working then it not device specific issue.
Most likely it should work if you can update the kodi version or maybe downgrade and try it.
Good Luck.
Beelink GTR7 (7840HS) - Manjaro Linux
Beelink SER5 (5600U) - Manjaro Linux
Beelink GT1 Ultimate (S912) - Libre Elec TV
Beelink GT King Pro (S922X-H) - Manjaro ARM Linux
Beelink GS King X (S922X-H) -
There was no firmware update, and I didn't change any kodi setting, but I'll try to find where it can be disabled to check. But the NFS option is still in the kodi menus, I can find the NAS ip, and when I try to access it, it blocks.
I already cleaned cache, uninstalled and reinstalled kodi. No changes. On a second android box (not android tv, just regular android) kodi accesses the nas just fine as always did