Edited by spikerguy at 2020-03-14 06:12
I am new here and I would like to know if there is any official support for Linux OS on Bee-Link Devices. Either or Intel SOC or ARM SOC.
I would request BeeLink Fans to advice how many of them would like to have a Linux OS shipped with the device.
I would also request BeeLink to see if they have any plans to ship any Beelink device with official Linux OS pre-installed.
I have some plans on Maintaining Official Manjaro Linux support for Beelink devices. This only be possible if BeeLink is happy to support my plan.
Reading will be thinking why Why Manjaro Linux....
- Easy and Ready to use for normal users.
- Very Smooth and fast as compared to most of the OS including windows.
- Windows Application Compatibility layer (Wine and crossover available)
- Fully Secured & Virus Free.
- Pre-built Themes and Custom Themes options.
- Good Hardware Support.
- Daily Use Softwares are pre-installed. (Browsers, Office Suites, PDF Reader, Video Players, Image Gallery, Entertainment Center, Download Manager, etc)
- Centralize App Store (Pamac and also Webstore - discover.manjaro.org) - With Most Apps free of cost.
- Good Support for Printers.
- Updates are optional.
- Continuous Updates, No Need to Buy new license for new version.
- Quick Support from User Friendly Community Forum.
- And also Easy for maintainers to add support for new devices.
If there is any question regarding the above points then feel free to ask me. If beelink is interested then please contact me.