发表于 2020-05-28 09:44:06
Edited by artarts at 2020-05-28 09:54
Could anyone help us and provide a link to the latest Z83-II bios?
There are multiple problems that needed addressing in version YB1006 which is the one I have.
1- 2GB of RAM is not good for x64. UEFI should allow boot on x86, doesn't. No MBR also.
2- Intel Chipset apparently had drivers changed during the years and versions from a year ago to the latest generate the crasiest problems (wifi not showing any avaliable networks, eMMC super slow consumig a lot of CPU)
3- Lak of BIOS options, disable stuff we don't need, and other options.
If someone has one with a BIOS later than mine, there's an executable called FPTW (downloaded as FPTFLASH) that can make a full backup of the BIOS, generating a binary file ".bin".
Any help would be apreciated. |