hello dear , here comes the new firmware for SEA1 106 MO firmware !!! :lol:lol:lol
Current version : SEAI_106M0_16G_20170829-1010
Based on:SEAI_105M0_16G_20170520-1836
Fits for:RTD1295 2G/16G RTL8821AU (wifi+bt)
Current version:SEAI_106M0_32G_20170829-1821
Based on:SEAI_105M0_32G_20170520-1937
Fits for:RTD1295 2G/32G RTL8821AU (wifi+bt)
Improvement :
1.Qodi has been updated to 17.3
2.The mp4 output formating is available now in HDMI recording .
Pay attention to :
1.There is an AurtoReboot.apk in this tv box and you can start this apk when you press the button "8" of remote three times in the home interface , which is mainly used to test in the factory , you can just ignore it since it wouldn't seen in the apk menu . :lol