发表于 2021-12-13 03:06:51
Edited by Magendanz at 2021-12-19 09:21
I'm trying to rehabilitate an AP34 that boots to BIOS Setup with the following message: "ROM image is not loaded. ROM image update denied." My first thought was to update the BIOS, but I can't find a link to that anymore from this forum.
@beelink, can you point me in the right direction?
UPDATE: At one point in troubleshooting, the BIOS Recovery section apparently found the ROM image and offered to continue the update. Naively, I said yes and after the flash was complete the device is now bricked, showing only the blue light on power on. I believe I can still recover the BIOS using this method (https://youtu.be/QcwXuxiTyXE), but I'm REALLY going to need the latest BIOS now...and it doesn't seem to be available anywhere on this forum.