Hi, I get the error as above "No audio device is installed". In the Device Manager there was a warning for "Multimedia Controller". I have been searching the forums and have downloaded a lot of files to try to update the driver but to no avail. My Model is a SER3, S/N D37502CH70237. Can you please send me the correct driver and instructions to update my audio? Thanks!
Could you please send us a picture of SN code at the bottom of machine ?
1.Please right click window--click “”setting“---Sound----more sound setting --click "playback"--right click speaker---properties--controller information ---properties---update the driver. You also need to check if the speakers is disabled or not in the playback setting.
4. Please turn off the PC , unplug the power supply, and press the CMOS button (or put the pin into the CMOS pinhole and press it ) for about 10 seconds , restart the PC after ten minutes. Here is the tutorial [https://mega.nz/file/2nIRGaYI#M2 ... pfyHlqyjnn86TypZp2w]