Edited by Roger at 2018-09-14 22:14
I tried to restore my Beelink BT3 Pro (32gb). I downloaded the 64bit files listed in the links above. I boot to my U Disk and it goes partway through the installation. It stops when it gets to the part "Create disk partition table".
When it tries to "create partition primary size=40960" it says "No usable free extent could be found. It may be that..........." on and on and on...
The BT3 Pro only has a 32Gb drive. So why would it try to create a partition that is 40960? I typed in "diskpart", then "select disk "0", then "create partition primary size=29370" And that works, Anything bigger and it fails with the same error.
SO, How do I edit the Main.cmd script to have the correct size?
Is there a different file that I should have downloaded?
*****Solved it myself*********
Located in the Scripts folder there is a file called Main.cmd
There is a line that reads;
@echo create partition primary size=%MySize%>>x:\wimpart.txt
I changed that to read;
@echo create partition primary size="28370">>x:\wimpart.txt
(I probably could have made it a bit bigger but I didn't know how much more room it needed for the "virtual drive". I could not use the full 29370.)
It finished installing and now I have 27.7Gb disk space. 14.1Gb is now free.
Now all I need is the 64 bit Drivers. Anybody find them? Beelink, Where are the 64bit Drivers???