Edited by JFL at 2021-01-10 10:36
Missed the part No sound. had the same issue of NO sound after up grade to llinux-vim 5.10.1-2, it was that the g12_sound.sh was updated. Edit g12_sound to revert to Amlogic OLD CONF by commenting out Amlogic NEW CONF.
[size=15.008px]Just edit the g12_sound.sh and edit like this. [color=var(--hljs-comment)]# Amlogic G12 HDMI to PCM0 - OLD CONF [color=var(--hljs-attribute)]mixer [color=var(--hljs-attribute)]$card [color=var(--hljs-string)]'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' [color=var(--hljs-string)]'OUT 1' mixer [color=var(--hljs-attribute)]$card [color=var(--hljs-string)]'FRDDR_A SRC 1 EN' on mixer [color=var(--hljs-attribute)]$card [color=var(--hljs-string)]'TDMOUT_B SRC SEL' [color=var(--hljs-string)]'IN 0' mixer [color=var(--hljs-attribute)]$card [color=var(--hljs-string)]'TOHDMITX I2S SRC' [color=var(--hljs-string)]'I2S B' mixer [color=var(--hljs-attribute)]$card [color=var(--hljs-string)]'TOHDMITX' on[color=var(--hljs-comment)]# Amlogic G12 HDMI to PCM0 - NEW CONF[color=var(--hljs-comment)]# mixer $card 'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 0'[color=var(--hljs-comment)]# mixer $card 'FRDDR_A SRC 1 EN' on[color=var(--hljs-comment)]# mixer $card 'TDMOUT_A SRC SEL' 'IN 0'[color=var(--hljs-comment)]# mixer $card 'TOHDMITX' on[color=var(--hljs-comment)]# mixer $card 'TOHDMITX I2S SRC' 'I2S A'[size=15.008px]Commenting out the New config and enabling the old conf will fix the audio.