发表于 2020-11-12 19:48:42
Edited by spikerguy at 2020-11-12 19:52
No it does not brick the device as all these SOC have an onboard flash rom which will start directly to upgrade mode.
Anytime user can flash the Android using the Burning tool.
Yes there is a risk of losing the warranty if you cannot get it back as I have bricked few Amlogic Hardwares before where amlogic claimed that it is not brickable as they have onboard flash rom, while in rare case if onboard flash rom have hardware issue then it ends up being bricked.
Currently I have flashed Manjaro Arm Linux on my GT King Pro eMMC and it is happily running since 3 days where I have compiled multiple kernel on it as it have the faster emmc of all the boards I have.