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GT-King Pro 今日: 3813 |主题: 332

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my gt-king pro freeze 新人帖 attach_img sameer 2022-12-27 4 / 1523 sameer 2022-12-29 04:17
Ethernet MAC lost after upgrade DasXardas 2022-11-16 4 / 1800 BaldEagle 2022-12-12 21:49
Remote Control for GT King PRO 新人帖 BENNk 2022-08-03 7 / 2318 BaldEagle 2022-12-12 21:43
Really? Update? 新人帖 Eric35 2022-06-07 9 / 3897 leew85 2022-12-11 22:07
How to flash Linux GT KING PRO ecrudragon 2022-12-06 1 / 1551 JFL 2022-12-11 16:13
What is the correct procedure to update the firmware? attach_img james_uk 2022-05-12 5 / 3404 Pack0 2022-12-05 22:59
Android 10 or newer DasXardas 2022-09-28 5 / 2564 alireza10471 2022-11-27 05:21
GT King II - Playback Issues 新人帖 palsingh75 2022-11-09 3 / 1598 Kaisersoze 2022-11-22 02:14
Please help me choose 新人帖 ecrudragon 2022-11-17 2 / 1231 ecrudragon 2022-11-17 01:01
HULU app not working on my GT KING PRO anymore gsanta 2021-06-09 2 / 2020 Louisesmith 2022-11-14 17:54
sound problem gt king pro 新人帖 Maxut 2022-11-09 1 / 1247 Support-03 2022-11-10 18:38
GT KING II crazyturk 2022-11-01 9 / 1876 Sean99 2022-11-09 10:10
How to switch off Noise Reduction? 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 Eugene152 2021-03-05 10 / 4025 Frani 2022-10-31 04:22
怎么删骷髅头开机画面 attach_img nanpa2 2022-09-06 6 / 2976 a5238207 2022-10-30 17:16
刷了ugslimtv的rom,再刷机usb burning tool无法识别盒子了 新人帖 attach_img a5238207 2022-10-27 1 / 1955 Support-03 2022-10-27 19:37
HBO Max freeze and pixelize video 新人帖 robertsu 2022-10-18 1 / 1306 Support-03 2022-10-21 11:25
GT King Pro - Debian10 Buster Firmware with 5.12 Mainline Kernel attach_img  ...23456 darkstar 2021-01-31 57 / 46303 fawnmw 2022-10-09 09:23
Google Voice search 新人帖 voln 2022-10-03 2 / 1257 voln 2022-10-04 03:21
Ubuntu 22.10 on Beelink GT Pro King 新人帖 marshalltech81 2022-09-12 2 / 2200 JFL 2022-09-15 13:47
GT-King Pro won't boot after update 新人帖 cihat60 2022-08-10 1 / 1332 Support-03 2022-08-12 00:41
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