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GT-King Pro Today: 3686 |Threads: 323

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crashing 新人帖 arms 2020-12-02 0 / 1443 arms 2020-12-02 02:09
Problem with bluetooth range and No Wifi5G ..SOLVED..! attach_img  ...234 gtkingpro.ac2n 2020-10-19 30 / 7942 JereyW 2020-11-29 21:32
GT-King Pro firmware:913P0  ...2 beelink 2020-09-17 15 / 9256 airtime 2020-11-28 06:13
Google Chrome, Google.apk 新人帖 attach_img  ...2345 kostik123 2020-10-14 48 / 10311 ivanm 2020-11-27 17:13
NO SEARCH OPTION ON FORUM 新人帖 4ndr3 2020-06-22 3 / 2123 spikerguy 2020-11-25 21:25
Return of control of External DAC to BeeLink after exclusive app use? 新人帖 kirgan 2020-11-21 0 / 1295 kirgan 2020-11-21 18:25
Congratulations Beelink 新人帖 Andy 2020-11-13 2 / 2245 Andy 2020-11-16 15:44
Continuous Buffering Issue on GT King Pro 新人帖 Silvia11CA 2020-11-15 1 / 1947 beelink 2020-11-16 14:59
开启SDR转HDR选项间歇性黑屏 新人帖  ...23 ShadyWhite 2020-10-10 28 / 8794 modos 2020-11-15 04:35
how to play 3D ISO on GT king pro 新人帖  ...2 dennisenk 2020-11-04 11 / 6367 dennisenk 2020-11-08 15:25
关于Gt-king Pro音频输出问题 新人帖 attach_img lsch8686 2020-07-18 9 / 4863 telnet 2020-10-30 01:00
蓝牙信号特别弱 怎么解决? 新人帖 attach_img JereyW 2020-10-27 5 / 2910 gtkingpro.ac2n 2020-10-29 00:24
PRIME VIDEO - in HD or UHD???? GARTIER 2020-04-14 2 / 2062 gtkingpro.ac2n 2020-10-27 16:21
bluetooth no enciende 新人帖 gregogame 2020-10-25 1 / 2383 gregogame 2020-10-27 02:57
DISNEY+ - This app is not compatible with your device 新人帖 GARTIER 2020-04-02 4 / 4414 GARTIER 2020-10-26 20:12
Bluetooth keeps stopping 新人帖 marek256 2020-10-21 0 / 1481 marek256 2020-10-21 17:25
Magik Manager or other apps to manage Root Permissions 新人帖 spikefly69 2020-10-13 7 / 3145 spikefly69 2020-10-21 14:08
CoreElec - the card is damaged attach_img kostik123 2020-10-19 6 / 2005 kostik123 2020-10-20 03:43
Do not want to brush, change the boot screen 新人帖 attachment zhen107999 2020-10-09 5 / 3187 beelink 2020-10-17 10:54
关于改开机画面的问题 zhen107999 2020-10-14 8 / 3157 beelink 2020-10-16 10:49
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