I saw the announcement for the SER6 Max and wanted to give some feedback:
1. Would it be possible to offer the 7640HS chip in the SER6 Max or in a SER7 model instead of the 7735HS? How much more expensive is that cpu to use? (or maybe availability issues)
2. It would be great to embed the Windows 11 key in the UEFI/Bios so on reformat it's available. Also if you ever need to provide this to customers you should never send Mega links to download. It looks super unprofessional/suspicious.
3. All models should now use 2 x NVME slots. No more 2.5" 7mm slots since SATA SSD drives aren't any cheaper than NVME now. Maybe an exception if you can fit a 9mm 2.5" HDD model.