I've got a B922 S/N. My box hung while applying the OTA update last month. I left it on for a couple hours but finally got tired of waiting and toggled power, and it was bricked.
Yesterday I finally got around to trying to re-flash it, and apparently I used the wrong firmware. I think I used a 915P0 from a non-B922 image. I made a bootable SDcard which booted when I held the reset button on powerup and it seemed to update and successfully boot into Android. But while wifi would scan and show my networks, it always failed to connect. Also, the upgrade wasn't complete because if I toggled power without the SDcard, the box still wouldn't boot. It would only boot successfully with the SDcard inserted.
Eventually I figured out that I had used the wrong image, and grabbed a 912P0 for B922 image, and got that to install from the SDcard. This update appers to have fully installed correctly, because the box now reboots normally on its own. So I'm now on the correct firmware but the wifi still won't connect. I've wiped cache and done a full factory reset too and still not working. What do I need to do to get this going again?