I found that when I set the display resolution to 2160p, I can play 4k videos in real 4k resolution(I have a test video). But all the app UIs rendered at 1080p.
I used adb shell to check the physical size, it shows 1920x1080 whatever resolution I set.
I tried to use "wm size 3840x2160" and "wm density 480", the screen refreshed, but the UI is still rendered at 1080p(I have a test image).
I tried to run apps in a simulator of Android studio. It shows that when the physical size is 3840x2160, it rendered 4K UI well.
so, How can I render UI at 2160p? or is there any way to change the physical size to 3840x2160?
"wm size 3840x2160" just set the "override size" and it doesn't work for UI rendering.