Hello everyone,
3 years ago, attracted by great promises such as an Intel x86 cpu, Wifi, Bluetooth, Win10 Home, 4GB of RAM, 64GB SSD and a passive cooling .... I fell into the trap and I unfortunately bought a Beelink BT3 Pro. After updating the OS, the machine has "lost" its wifi and bluetooth drivers under Windows 10 ...
I tell myself then that it does not matter, that I should without too much difficulty manage to install and run a quality Linux distribution ... unfortunately, the driver problems persisted, even worse, other problems have disturbed the stability of the pc. 
So I decided to turn the BT3 Pro into a media center, and what better than Kodi for that? Having heard of Libreelec's prowess, I immediately installed the LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.95.001.img version, recommended by a member of this forum, which worked pretty well.
Then, tired of the many small bugs encountered, and convinced that if version 8.95.001 works correctly then the later versions must undoubtedly be much better and especially optimized. I decided to install the last version. Unfortunately, to my chagrin, the Wifi and BT drivers do not work, the Broadcom chip is not recognized ...
If a charitable soul is willing to help me so that can enjoy an updated version of LE within a perfectly functioning machine, he will have my eternal gratitude  
Thanks again,