I finallygot the img file to load had to save it to my C drive, but when I connect the GT1miniA it is not recognized by the USB Burning Tool. I only connected it via a USB cable do I also need to connect it to the power supply?
atvbox replied at 2020-07-28 11:26
I finallygot the img file to load had to save it to my C drive, but when I connect the GT1miniA it ...
You need to plug in the power during the execution of the burning tool, not directly at the beginning. I will provide you with a new burning tool. You can try a new one, and you can also try to change the USB interface to burn. https://beelink-my.sharepoint.co ... XH2wJQQ6cw?e=D9QKaq
USB tool still not picking up my box when I connect it to my computer. I will contact Beelink Serivce as you suggested earlier, thank for trying to help me.
I saw this video. This video tell about childs toys. It is really good. I think that a Mini E could do a 24 enduro at a place like Indianapolis though. I like racing games.