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SER Series 今日: 17029 |主题: 1770

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
SER4 4700U: NVMe boot SSD not detected 新人帖 bryanh 2022-08-13 2 / 1817 bryanh 2022-08-24 03:24
Power on with keyboard? 新人帖  ...2 MarkShark 2021-11-04 11 / 6868 Juido 2022-08-23 18:22
Ubuntu image for 4800U 新人帖 chlxco 2022-08-03 2 / 1387 Incans 2022-08-23 02:30
Ubuntu dual boot 新人帖 evpanza 2022-07-31 2 / 4379 Incans 2022-08-22 20:33
4800U Fan Noise 新人帖 kuosiong 2022-08-18 3 / 4025 Juido 2022-08-20 00:08
4700U WiFi and Bluetooth drivers Incans 2022-08-19 1 / 1794 Incans 2022-08-19 06:07
Mega.nz file downloads 新人帖 Incans 2022-08-17 2 / 1718 Support-03 2022-08-18 11:51
Replacement external push button switch 新人帖 attach_img Honeythunder 2022-08-17 1 / 1583 Support-03 2022-08-18 02:22
boot from usb 新人帖 engefelipe 2022-07-30 1 / 1445 Incans 2022-08-17 03:50
Want to use Linux under WIn11 (WSL) - where are virtualisazion options in BIOS? 新人帖 MarBel78 2022-08-13 1 / 1289 MarBel78 2022-08-13 19:01
Ser 3200U mini pc shuts down when usb external drive is plugged 新人帖 dano 2022-06-28 1 / 1551 adamv1 2022-08-13 07:40
SER3 3750H will not boot/power on 新人帖 jmit7521 2022-08-11 1 / 1233 Support-03 2022-08-12 00:55
SER4 4700 Mouse Lagging 新人帖 greg.gum@gmail. 2022-08-06 2 / 1687 greg.gum@gmail. 2022-08-11 22:13
SER4 7 4800U - how to lower CPU Temp by 50% Juido 2022-08-07 1 / 1372 Support-03 2022-08-09 02:36
SER4 Fan Speed Control / Display tool? Juido 2022-07-24 1 / 1288 Support-03 2022-07-27 17:44
can i mount the SER4 upside down? 新人帖 Juido 2022-07-17 1 / 1070 Juido 2022-07-25 21:47
Beelink SER3 Mini PC ask for password 新人帖 pbt 2022-07-21 1 / 2193 Support-03 2022-07-21 19:50
How to Clean the Fan FelineBank 2021-11-15 4 / 3939 bernie1956 2022-07-20 22:33
SER4 Wake on Lan works on Hibernation but not on sleep. Juido 2022-07-17 0 / 1106 Juido 2022-07-17 04:00
SER 4 4800U - DRIVERS 新人帖 attach_img Ferry 2022-07-14 7 / 2517 Ferry 2022-07-17 02:57
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