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GS-King X Today: 839 |Threads: 54

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 Forum Top Hide sticky threads [OS](2022) Manjaro ARM Linux- Dev - GS King X  ...234 spikerguy 2020-11-19 30 / 14816 jkbee26 2023-05-29 03:33
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How to use the Beelink GS-King X as a NAS? jkbee26 2021-06-21 3 / 4067 iwin68bar 2024-10-16 00:29
How to connect to windows jr212 2021-07-08 5 / 3779 bacteriacamoufl 2024-10-09 10:59
Internal hard drives 新人帖 stopfordian 2021-08-23 8 / 5803 Yumy_wong 2024-09-21 19:54
error remote control not work 新人帖 attach_img thegodfathernk 2020-10-30 4 / 3441 playdashcasino 2024-09-02 13:23
[ROM] Beelink GS-King X & GT-King Pro ALVATECH Android TV - ATV (9.0 Pie) ALVATECH 2020-12-12 4 / 5761 mibmt 2023-11-15 01:42
Disney+ apk scaramussa 2021-01-11 2 / 3618 RoxanneGriffit 2023-06-30 17:10
ROM GS-King X and GT-King Pro AndroidTV by Sasvlad (Android TV 9.0 Pie) Sasvlad 2020-06-28 5 / 5813 mibmt 2023-05-14 17:45
GS-King X 917P0 Version firmware beelink 2021-03-05 3 / 4288 mibmt 2023-05-14 17:41
Unable to boot to LibreElec on 1st boot from MicroSD 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 Oneil 2023-02-06 18 / 2759 Oneil 2023-02-20 02:32
我的gs king x 成功刷入slimbox 15.1 优秀 ns2049 2022-03-14 5 / 4941 YXZ 2023-01-22 02:05
[App] Netflix app HD issue attach_img CastagnaIT 2020-06-11 8 / 7116 hebekiah 2022-12-28 06:08
刷入slimbox 14.9 后,盒子反复重启,不能进入系统 新人帖 ns2049 2022-02-19 3 / 5749 tyc2000 2022-12-23 07:12
Voice Control does not work from remote control marfalk 2022-01-03 2 / 2749 beeforum 2022-11-12 03:02
box storage not allowed for drives 2tb or less, option greyed out not available 新人帖 beeforum 2022-11-11 0 / 1008 beeforum 2022-11-11 23:59
Red Eyes (constant) 新人帖 jacksuede 2022-09-15 1 / 1276 Support-03 2022-09-16 20:42
Stop Android from "Checking USB drive... reviewing current content? ugoodtoo 2022-06-02 1 / 1556 zhengxiaokang 2022-07-14 23:00
新固件需要增加RTL8156b USB外置网卡驱动 YXZ 2022-04-09 3 / 3564 beelink 2022-05-06 18:08
现在新固件在哪里下载,官网没有下载地址了。 YXZ 2022-04-02 2 / 4132 YXZ 2022-04-13 14:21
Weird Issue 新人帖 Logancio 2021-12-14 0 / 3054 Logancio 2021-12-14 07:16
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