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Moderator: tuiguang16
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EQ12 Pro - Read fan speed and voltage in the system 新人帖 BareMetal 2023-08-19 7 / 979 tuiguang16 2023-08-30 16:21
a solution to read thunderbolt 3 with eq12? platini76 2023-08-27 3 / 754 tuiguang16 2023-08-29 17:38
EQ12 proxmox pasthrough iommu error 新人帖 dgf2144 2023-04-16 4 / 2806 michelwilso 2023-08-28 17:20
Mini S12 Pro Overheating 新人帖 attach_img Argiros 2023-03-12 9 / 5476 tuiguang16 2023-08-25 15:37
LZX new bios? 新人帖 attach_img SEO 2023-08-21 1 / 738 tuiguang16 2023-08-22 14:34
EQ12 Memory Configuration (BIOS) 新人帖 suntoryjim 2023-08-18 1 / 770 tuiguang16 2023-08-21 18:48
Beelink EQ12 -- usb-c port input/output errors? 新人帖 Cold-Lemonade 2023-07-16 5 / 2346 BareMetal 2023-08-19 00:11
S12 Upgrade Questions 新人帖 2023-08-17 3 / 1615 Fraludio 2023-08-18 20:57
Need a CD KEY to reinstall win 11 pro 64 freesky 2023-08-14 1 / 792 tuiguang16 2023-08-15 17:12
Windows 11 reinstall on EQ12 新人帖 clauded 2023-08-13 1 / 806 tuiguang16 2023-08-14 15:35
Mini S12 N95 NO HDMI sound devices found in LINUX 新人帖 ttnolan 2023-08-09 2 / 1234 ttnolan 2023-08-12 02:37
EQ12 - export bios settings to text file? 新人帖 krikk 2023-08-11 1 / 686 tuiguang16 2023-08-11 15:04
Does Mini S12 Pro support 1920×1080 @165Hz? Smartprice 2023-08-09 2 / 746 Smartprice 2023-08-10 17:41
EQ12 Pro limitations for additinal drive Smartprice 2023-07-29 4 / 1442 tuiguang16 2023-08-08 17:29
‎Mini S12 Win11Pro License for reinstall 新人帖 yamada-2 2023-04-25 3 / 1358 wincs555 2023-08-05 10:32
Question: Why are the USB ports upside down? 新人帖 Mike-hello 2023-07-22 4 / 1311 HAL9000 2023-08-03 10:08
Mini S reinstall Windows 新人帖 jeffery0513 2023-08-02 1 / 1031 tuiguang16 2023-08-03 09:39
Is that any way setting eq 12 pro bios use by bluetooth keyboard? 新人帖 mr.satan 2023-07-29 1 / 698 tuiguang16 2023-07-31 17:46
EQ12 Drivers 新人帖 minni1986 2023-07-30 2 / 694 BenzGuy63 2023-07-31 09:19
Linux on a new Mini s 12? 新人帖 philion 2023-07-30 1 / 1368 philion 2023-07-31 05:06
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