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Gemini X 今日: 1548 |主题: 183

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
Bios Update with CSM Menu for UEFI/LEGACY Option? 新人帖 Olip 2018-12-28 2 / 3098 Semargl 2019-01-11 21:58
When I switch on Beelink X55 I see BIOS instead Windows 新人帖 vintel 2019-01-08 1 / 2035 beelink 2019-01-09 15:51
Need help with Gemini X45 新人帖 kymusician 2018-10-30 8 / 4807 thierryFr 2019-01-07 01:29
Where is x55 mini pc available? 新人帖 tompika 2018-12-19 2 / 2205 Beerukoff 2018-12-26 15:46
win10 reinstallation question 新人帖 bagaglia@libero 2018-12-18 5 / 3011 Mordekaiser 2018-12-25 17:18
How to write serial No(x45 basic) 新人帖 namururu 2018-12-21 0 / 2049 namururu 2018-12-21 00:09
how can i introduce a ssd into a m1? 新人帖 lucio 2018-12-19 1 / 1789 DarthBubba 2018-12-20 01:21
Driver for Gemini X45 Windows 10 attachment  ...2 renixo 2018-08-16 14 / 14983 rezmus 2018-12-19 16:32
x45 Dont go to bios attach_img Stefs 2018-12-11 4 / 2404 techbar 2018-12-16 12:53
gemini X45 USB win10 crash 新人帖 romansikora1 2018-12-11 0 / 1992 romansikora1 2018-12-11 18:06
Audio only HDMI UncT 2018-12-07 0 / 2152 UncT 2018-12-07 05:06
How to max out 4k video performance in the bios? 新人帖 UncT 2018-11-25 4 / 2539 UncT 2018-12-07 04:40
x45 is slow Stefs 2018-12-06 1 / 2314 beelink 2018-12-06 09:20
Beelink x45 lasted 1 week 新人帖  ...2 marine88 2018-10-24 13 / 6904 cyan 2018-12-05 08:46
Beekink x45 新人帖 xloupas 2018-12-03 2 / 2177 xloupas 2018-12-03 23:22
X45 ssd Stefs 2018-12-03 0 / 1857 Stefs 2018-12-03 03:01
Dead Drive, looking for Bios settings to use Winto USB for SATA 3 hard drive. Ogre 2018-11-27 8 / 2742 Ogre 2018-11-28 11:56
Dead Hard drive. Just return it to seller for REFUND  ...2 Ogre 2018-11-20 10 / 4070 Ogre 2018-11-28 05:12
Gemini X55 - Second SSD - Read speed slow 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 FinX 2018-10-20 11 / 5915 lesandie 2018-11-26 04:35
Trouble updating from Win 1709 to 1803 新人帖 gabri 2018-11-04 6 / 3543 cyan 2018-11-25 17:02
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