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Gemini X 今日: 1550 |主题: 183

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DEad Gemnini X55 新人帖 tron 2019-12-10 1 / 2196 beelink 2019-12-10 19:01
x55 j5005 won't display thru Denon AVR 新人帖 jagpor 2019-12-07 2 / 2220 jagpor 2019-12-08 19:48
Windows 10 May update (1903) fails 新人帖 nirl 2019-11-16 4 / 3063 JayceOoi 2019-12-03 12:26
URGENT X55 problem phaetonfb 2019-12-01 4 / 3617 phaetonfb 2019-12-03 03:35
wishes to bios 新人帖 Semargl 2018-08-10 6 / 6350 cyan 2019-11-25 20:41
Booting U55 to ubuntu by default smittynmd 2019-11-18 0 / 2244 smittynmd 2019-11-18 06:10
Hissing speakers in 3.5 jack 新人帖 oni.vlad 2019-10-24 3 / 2214 Bebe 2019-11-18 00:46
Poor Customer Service 新人帖 gudz 2019-10-07 2 / 2414 rgrizz45 2019-11-16 03:22
Gemini X45 Graphic driver problem 新人帖 attach_img johanverm 2019-11-07 4 / 2475 johanverm 2019-11-09 06:30
Problem with internal HDD usage 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 zsolt320i 2019-05-08 18 / 7133 pigos 2019-11-05 15:59
Gemini X55 - i need driver windows 10 prof 新人帖 HellBlazer77 2019-11-03 2 / 3760 HellBlazer77 2019-11-04 20:40
X55 Internal HDD speed suddenly drop to near zero 新人帖 pigos 2019-10-28 1 / 2629 beelink 2019-10-29 18:04
Poor WiFi Performance On 2.4GHz 新人帖 rolandbarnes981 2019-10-23 1 / 1991 beelink 2019-10-24 18:21
Intel graphics settings lost yiatsou 2019-10-22 4 / 2412 yiatsou 2019-10-23 11:42
NEW !Ubuntu_18.04 Installation SOP for Gemini X45 X55 Intel Gemini lake Mini PC attach_img beelink 2018-07-09 9 / 10994 smittynmd 2019-10-23 05:47
Gemini X45 - 8GB-128SSD - HOW TO increase Intel Graphics Video Memory DVM GMM 新人帖 Fpibbs 2019-10-22 0 / 2217 Fpibbs 2019-10-22 18:23
power button does not turn blue 新人帖 fkapnist 2019-10-21 1 / 1883 JayceOoi 2019-10-21 20:39
Windows crashed and request recovery drive when I connect smartphone via cable vintel 2019-10-06 1 / 1731 tripti 2019-10-11 17:19
X45 8GB 128GB 新人帖 phaetonfb 2019-10-07 2 / 2038 phaetonfb 2019-10-07 16:20
What Is the Idle Temperature that You are Getting from your Gemini X45? spaceman 2019-10-01 1 / 1950 spaceman 2019-10-05 02:49
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