I would like to reduce the fan noise of the ser 6 max 6900hx.
I read elswhere that there was a bios update for the other verison of the Ser 6 max that adjusted the fan curves, does a similar bios upgrade exist for this model?
Is there an upgrade bios since the release?
Another option would also be to ajust the fan curves or lower the power in the bios.
For the power I can see int the bios "Sustained Power Lmit", but I can not adjust that.
I can see other setting that I can modify, could you please explain what I would need to do to reduce the power or lower the fan noise..
In PPT control (manual) there are 3 options
Fast PPT limit / Slow PPT Time limit / Slow PPT Time constant
In Fan control (Manual)
Low temp / Med temp / high temp / crit temp
Low/med/hight PWM