Edited by surfwidow at 2023-11-25 13:49
Thank you it works you are so professional and efficient I am pleased with Beelink and will buy more as usually a company is only as good as its after sales support and you have proved you are very good thank you again and have a nice day. I was very worried and thought this was a problem. But you solved it. You are wonderful! :) I have sent a private message of thanks you can share with your company as positive feedback. I realise I had to wait for your response as I looked up the global world times and you are 8hrs ahead of Europe. So I am here at 5am feeling so relieved and I did test it worked before replying ;) lol. Many companies do not care about aftersales but wow! Beelink you are amazing which gives me confidence to buy more of these amazing PCs. I bought it yesterday and was shocked at the size! This is better than a Large desktop PC I own!!! You must do this all day sending keys and it must be very boring dealing with people like me but it is appreciated! Thank you again tuiguang7 and have a nice day! <3 |