Edited by MrUnderhill at 2023-02-01 13:50
Actually, I had to reinstall thje day I got the machine, you don't really need a key any more that's saved at Microsoft when you set up and register the machine and OS... All you need to do is restartt and do a clean installYou canb eoither start from windows. In the settings under SYSTEM>RECOVERY.
Press the [Windows] KEY Plus the "I" KEY and that will bring up SYSTEM in the settings. In the SYSTEM" list you will find about halfway down the list "Activation" which is where you will be able to find out what your trying to find out. Then Just below "Actyivation", you will find "Recovery" which is where you can start the process in Windows to reinstall Windows.
Also when you boot the computer You will see at some point during the boot proccess you see a message stating that ypou can get into the bios pessin the [ESC]ape KEY to get into the BIOS, or press the F7 LKEY to go into Windows recovery. Just press the F7 KEY on a "WIRED" keybaord ab bunch of times until the recovery menu shows up. Thaty's how you can reinstall wwndows outside of Windows.
There are no disks, or Serial Numbers that are needed for ANY of this process. in fact when I had to redo windows, because I crashed it. I didn't even have it registered yet. So, I know, FOR A FACT, that you don't need a serial number at all, because it's already registered at Microsoft.
I know that that is NOT the answer you wanted. HOWEVER, I know for sure, that is the only real answer you're going to get, and if youb did get an actual "Serial Number" from someone, I would find that number highly suspect, and I wouldn't ever usre it...
BTW I've been a technichian for about (40) forty yesars, and this is how it's being done nowadays, and I still am bothered by it myself too, I too would much rather have a hard copy, and a serial number,but that's not how it's done anymore. Not even at a brick and morter store, even...