发表于 2022-11-26 03:51:00
On my Ser3, I used one of the screws for mounting the Ser3 on a wall, I screwed it into one of the holes for mounting and then using a pair of pliers I was able to pull the back off (ensure you remove the 4 screws on the back cover before doing this). Don't pull too hard on the back cover because of the short ribbon cable connecting the drive to the MB. There is a video that shows the ribbon cable. Once the cover starts to come off, you should see the ribbon cable easily by peering underneath the cover. My ribbon cable unplugged when I took my cover off. Once the cover was off, I took a metal file and carefully did a few swipes on the edges of the cover so it will come off easier next time. I installed my drive, reconnected the ribbon cable and screwed the cover back on. |